Experiment with different techniques and develop your artistic skills
to take your Collage & Mixed Media work to the next level

You're frustrated because you can't find the right material for your collage and mixed media work?

Do you want to learn new techniques so that you can create your own style and take your artwork to a whole new level?

Don't know where to start when you want to create paper collage & mixed media work?

Sounds like me at the beginning of my art journey:

I didn’t know much about collage, and I was mainly using material from books and magazines.
And I really liked working with paper. But what bothered me a lot was how the paper behaved when I glued it on and that I often couldn’t find material in the right colors.


What did I change?

Step by step I started to create my own collage paper. And I realized that creating my own collage material offers the benefits of customization for your artistic vision, the uniqueness of your artwork, the opportunity to experiment with various materials and techniques, artistic growth, versatility for different art forms, a personal connection with your work, and the potential for newfound inspiration and creative directions.

Ready to explore new techniques to take your Collage & Mixed Media Work to the next level?

9 Advantages Of Creating Your Own Collage Paper


Making your own collage material allows you to choose the colors, textures, and patterns you really love. This allows you to develop your own artistic style and customize the paper for your specific needs.


Using recycled or upcycled materials in your collage-paper-making process is an eco-friendly choice. It reduces waste and contributes to a more sustainable art practice.


The act of making your own collage material can inspire new ideas and approaches for your artwork. As you work with different materials and techniques, you may discover unexpected possibilities and directions for your creative practice..


Hand-decorated collage paper is versatile and can be used in various art forms, including collage, mixed media, book arts, and more. It can be customized to suit your style and artistic goals.


Handmade collage material adds a unique and personal touch to your artwork. No two sheets of hand decorated paper are exactly alike, ensuring that your collage is one-of-a-kind.


Not to mention the therapeutic aspect of playing and experimenting with art materials. The process can be a meditative activity. It can provide a sense of relaxation, stress relief, and emotional expression. 


The process of creating your own collage material often involves hands-on work, which can foster a deeper connection with your artwork. It allows you to feel more intimately involved in the creative process. 


Creating your own collage material can be a creative exercise in itself. It allows you to experiment with new techniques, develop your artistic skills, and expand your creative horizons.


The process of making your own collage material gives you the opportunity to experiment with various materials and techniques. You can mix and match different types of paper, paint, inks and more to create distinctive textures and effects. 

Here’s what you you’ll get when you join

The course is divided into 12 video lessons (including 2 BONUS lessons) and instructions.

Meet your instructor

I’m Lydia Rink, visual artist and creative encourager. I love creating abstract art and I’m a big fan of play and experimentation.

I created this course to show you my way of creating unique collage material to take your Collage & Mixed Media Work to the next level.

My greatest hope is that you will enjoy the process of creating to spark ideas and find your own path ways to develop your praxis.

I can’t wait to see what we create together!

Frequently asked questions

The course is an instant access class. As soon as you purchase you will be provided with access to all content immediately.

As with all of my courses, the content is pre-recorded and comes with access for at least one year. So you can do it your way and at your own pace, there’s no need to rush.

Yes! You’ll find all course materials and videos in one place with a community similar to a Facebook group but built on our website.

You can post your work, discuss, made new friends, follow them and you even can send private messages. 

A global supportive community for you to learn and grow as an artist no matter where you are now.

This is for you if…

– you want to experiment with new techniques, develop your artistic skills and expand your creative horizons.

– you are looking for new ideas and approaches for your artwork.

– you like to work with collage material that is tailored to your specific projects and artistic goals.

– you want to foster a deeper connection with your artwork.

– you want to add a unique and personal touch to your artwork. 

– you want complete control over the colors, textures, and patterns of your collage material.

– you want to recycle or upcycle material for your art work.

I like to use drawing paper  90gm2. Please use the paper you like to work with in your collage and mixed media work. 


– acrylic inks (I like to use Daler Rowney FW) 
– acrylic paint
– gesso
– stencils
– stamps
– paint marker
– China marker or wax crayons (e.g. Neocolor I)in different colors
– a gel plate (e.g. Gelli Arts or Gel Press)
– brushes and mark making tools
– some rusted objects, such as nails, washers, paper clips

This class is for anyone interested in creating unique collage material. It is suitable for both absolute beginners and experienced artists.

I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions about the course prior to signing up.

The refund period is 60 days.

If there’s anything at all that you’re not certain about, anything we haven’t made clear; any concerns or questions then please do contact us at email@lydiarink.de and we’ll help you out.

“Fall in love with the process and the results will come.”

{Eric Thomas}

Join today and take your Collage & Mixed Media work to the next level

Enroll in the Course for € 86